You GOTTA keep the alliteration! It is a MUST. Marooned in Miami. Disappointed in Denver. Sleepless in Seattle. I make this movie reference for two reasons: (1) It’s one of my Mama’s favorite movies and I tend to watch it as the holiday season approaches. Yes. I just recently watched it. (2) I really CAN’T sleep and it’s physically wearing me down. Help?
(1) Sleepless in Seattle
We rented this movie on laser disc when I still lived in the Philippines. Remember those things? It looked like a CD but only 10 times bigger and 5 pounds heavier. I was more worried about dropping and chipping the damn thing than I was worried about scratching it. Hideous, but it was definitely ahead of its time. The movie came out in June ‘93, so I’m assuming I watched it with my Mama in ‘94 – the year that I left her for the U.S.
Unlike millions of people who watched the movie, it wasn’t about the love story for me. Of course, it wasn’t – I was a kid. To me it was about Jonah Baldwin, a young child who just lost his mother to cancer. He and his dad moved to Seattle to start their new lives and eventually, he goes on a mission to find a new mom.
My mission was NEVER to find a new mom (easy for me to say, God rest your mother’s soul Jonah). I held on to the one I HAD and LOVED even though we were 7,300 miles apart and 13 years away from being with each other. We’ve always been physically separated in some way. After the age of 7, we were on opposites sides of the Pacific Ocean. In college, I was in the Bay Area and she was in southern California. And as I start my professional career, we’re now on opposite sides of the country. As far back as I can remember, I’ve always had this feeling of missing her. I’m used to it. But hey, not many people can feel their mother’s love as much as I can. And I’m blessed for that. Despite the distance and time, it’s amazing how similar we are in humor, habits, and mindset. AMAZING. As I watch this movie now, I don’t long to see my Mama in the same way. I KNOW when I’ll see her – I’ll be home for Christmas. But back then, I had no idea. Next year? 2 years from now? 3? 4? 5? We no longer have the immigration, nor the $1000-plane-ticket barrier to see each other. She’s here now (in Amurricuh) and we’re becoming best friends =) … Oh yeah, Jonah found a new mom. Check Sleepless and Seattle out on Netflix, currently available for online streaming.
(2) Dormir-less in DC
I’ve been having a really hard time sleeping. I don’t know what it is. Or maybe I do… I moved to DC at the end of January, yet my sleep schedule is still on Cali time. All I know is that sleeping between 2-4 AM every night is not healthy. I don’t appreciate saying good morning to the bags under my eyes as they travel further south. Or seeing the two gray hairs that taunt me as I stare at the bathroom mirror. Or the extra wrinkles I see on my face on tagged Facebook pictures. Not cool. And I know funemployment isn’t the reason for my insomnia, as I did the same thing while I was working.
I tried thinking about what used to help me sleep on time, and sleep so well. But it only made me think more and sleep less. Let’s not go down that route, especially if I can’t do anything about it. I have a very limited time to get my shit together. Can I do it? I WILL do it. Am I stressed out? Of course not. There’s ONE very important reason that I refuse to stress, which I will share soon enough.
For now, I think I’ll just try to dose off to “Bye Bye Blackbird”. Jonah’s mother used to sing that to him when he had nightmares. Interesting fact: I used to be in chorus in 5th and 6th grade, and we sang that song. I was a soprano at the time and I even had a solo! “No one here can love or understand me. Oh what hard luck stories they all hand me.”… (Make my bed and light the light. I’ll arrive. Late tonight. Blackbird, bye bye). Good times. And I may just have to try the one-glass-of-red-wine-a-night method. Any other night-cap ideas? BBQ-Ribs-induced-Itis perhaps?
And for all you CAPRICORNS out there, here is our daily horoscope. Very fitting:
If you find yourself tired and irritable now, Capricorn, you should know that this is normal. You may have had a few months that were a little too studious (yeZZir!). Would you like to continue with the same rhythm? Be careful that your ambitions don’t lead you to physical exhaustion. If you get sick, you will be even more frustrated. So be wise and take care of your own basic needs.